Publication details [#2306]
Denissen, Frans. 1995. De verdoemenis van de men's: notities uit een vertalerskeuken [Damnation of 'one': trade secrets from the translator]. In Bloemen, Henri, Erik Hertog and Winibert Segers, eds. Letterlijkheid/woordelijkheid - literality/verbality (Nieuwe Cahiers voor Vertaalwetenschap 4). Antwerpen: Fantom. pp. 301–306.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Source language
Target language
Person as a subject
Title as subject
The final chapter of this volume is dedicated to the notes of a professional translator. Frans Denissen recounts his experiences with translating a play written by a Walloon playwright unknown to him. The diary relates the translator’s encounters with the artistic director, the director, the author, the dramaturgist and the acting cast; it briefly broaches the issue of Standard Dutch versus Flemish.
Source : L. Jans