Publication details [#2311]
Königs, Frank G. 1986. Was beim Übersetzen passiert: theoretische Aspekte, empirische Befunde und praktische Konsequenzen [What happens during translating: theoretical aspects, empirical results and practical consequences]. Die Neueren Sprachen 2 : 162–185.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
The translation process is divided here into two 'blocks': the Adhoc-block includes automatic processing, e.g. automatic 1:1 equivalents and translational experience (procedural knowledge), while the Rest-block includes items requiring conscious processing, e.g. linguistic problems as well as considerations regarding ST author or TT recipients. The model is illustrated by TAP data from five subjects: two novice students, two advanced students, and one professional translator. Didactic implications are discussed with regard to both translator training and FL teaching.
Source : R. Jääskeläinen