Publication details [#2312]
Königs, Frank G. 1990. Dem Übersetzen den Prozess machen? Psycholinguistische Überlegungen zum Übersetzen und ihre didaktischen Konsequenzen [Putting translation to trial? Psycholinguistic reflections on translation and its didactic consequences]. In Iwasaki, Eijiro, ed. Begegnung mit dem 'Fremden': Grenzen, Traditionen, Vergleiche [Encounters with the foreign: borders, traditions, comparisons]. Munich: Iudicium. pp. 132–142.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Target language
Edition info
Akten des VIII. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung für Germanische Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft (IVG), Tokyo 1990.
The study describes an experiment in which four subjects carried out two tasks, a FL writing task and a translation task into FL; in both cases travel brochures for Spanish speakers. The TAP data on the two tasks were first analysed separately (e.g. global planning, problem identification and solutions, revisions, dictionary use, and cultural transfer), then the writing processes were compared with the translation processes (structure of plans, strategies, etc.). One of the findings is that neither process proceeds in a linear fashion; both are characterised by recursiveness.
Source : R. Jääskeläinen