
Publication details [#23249]

Franco Aixelá, Javier. 2010. El diseño de un curso virtual de traducción e interpretación: revisión bibliográfica y propuestas [Designing a virtual course in translation and interpreting: a bibliographical overview and some proposals]. In Cifuentes, José Luis, Adelina Gómez González-Jover, Antonio Lillo, José Mateo and Francisco Yus Ramos, eds. Los caminos de la lengua. Estudios en homenaje a Enrique Alcaraz Varó. Alicante: Universidad de Alicante. pp. 129–146.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


In September 2008, the Department of Translation and Interpreting of the University of Alicante set up the Official Masters Degree in Institutional Translation, an inter-university course together with the University Jaume I and the University of València. This paper attempts to provide an overview of the state of the art on translation e-learning together with an account of our experience and our criteria in the design of this online masters degree.
Source : BITRA / J. Franco