
Publication details [#2345]

Tiffou, Etienne. 1994. Des distorsions de base dans une traduction [Basic distortions in translation]. In Rajendra, Singh De, ed. La traduction vue de l'extérieur [Translation: a view from the outside]. Special issue of Meta. Journal des Traducteurs, Translators' Journal 39 (2): 328–337.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language


It is a common thing to say that there are always some impossibilities in the translation process. And still, people have been translating from ancient times up till now. How can we explain this apparent contradiction? To answer this question, the author treats the morphosemantic aspect of translation, morphology, syntax, morphosyntax, the cognitive aspect of translation, and the semiotic point of view.
Source : K. Foelen