
Publication details [#24010]

Durán Muñoz, Isabel. 2012. Meeting translators’ needs: translation-oriented terminological management and applications. In Rogers, Margaret, ed. Terminology, phraseology and translation. Special issue of JoSTrans. The Journal of Specialised Translation 18: 77–92. URL
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language


Terminography is facing new challenges in the 21st century and is turning into a more user-oriented discipline. Consequently, new and more appropriate applications are being developed to satisfy users’ needs. In this context, we encounter several translation-oriented resources and applications which are of great use to translators. However, in our opinion, there is still a lack of concrete and useful tools for them as real users. In this paper, we discuss translators’ needs and expectations, considering them as a specific group of terminology users, and provide relevant details about their preferences to be taken into consideration when carrying out translation-oriented terminological management. In addition, we present a new tool Trandix, a translation-oriented resource which tries to fulfil translators’ requirements and which offers innovative features and functionalities, such as search in context or microstructure customisation, among others. Finally, we also offer a review of some other practical applications from the translator’s viewpoint and provide some concluding remarks about the current situation and possible future lines of research.
Source : Abstract in journal