
Publication details [#24165]

Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Person as a subject


This short article gives an overview of the research conducted on deconstruction. “Deconstruction” is primarily used to refer to the philosophy of Jacques Derrida, although Derrida himself did not ascribe a privileged status to the term. It was incorporated into many disciplines and different approaches so that it became a more general term which moved beyond Derrida’s own work and has had a lasting influence on other poststructural, postmodern, postcolonial and gender-related approaches. Derrida’s radical challenge of traditional Western (metaphysical) philosophy, in particular of its hierarchical binary oppositions, has implications for translation theory and practice, which were first discussed in Translation Studies in the 1990s. Derrida himself attributes a central role to translation in his work and explicitly discusses its role in numerous publications.
Source : Based on information from author(s)