
Publication details [#2452]

Dancette, Jeanne Eugénie. 1994. De la coïncidence accidentelle à la coïncidence dirigée, la traduction comme savoir-faire et les modèles logico-sémantiques qui en rendent compte [Managing coincidence, translation as savoir-faire and logic-semantic models that take it into account]. Meta 39 (3) : 439–445.


This article primarily aims to find an integration of three distinct objects with respect to Translation Studies: the results of intuitive know-how, translational concepts and theoretical models. In the first part, the authors describe the translation situations in the light of the strategic and rational principles guiding the decision-making. In the second part, they describe a descriptive model of the translation process that aims to explain the embedding of translational principles in practice, the very dynamics of translation.
Source : Based on information from author(s)