
Publication details [#24572]

Viveros Espinosa, Alejandro. 2012. El sabotaje como intuición filosófica: una perspectiva para la interpretación de América colonial [Sabotage as philosophical intuition: a perspective for the interpretation of colonial America]. In Pulido Correa, Martha, ed. Traducciones, interpretaciones, reinterpretaciones [Translations, interpretations, reinterpretations]. Special issue of Mutatis Mutandis. Revista latinoamericana de Traducción 5 (2) : 247–561: 334–369. URL
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
Person as a subject


The aim of this article is to propose an historical, philosophical and cultural concept called the sabotage, as cultural resistance’s instrument and as a critical perspective for a philosophical interpretation focused on the cultural phenomena and on the historicity in the colonial period (XVI–XVIII centuries). The sabotage develops a theoretical approach which is able to establish a critical lecture centered on the cultural translation, the indigenous knowledge, and the hermeneutics specifically through the works of the Chroniclers Hernando de Alvarado Tezozómoc: Crónica Mexicana (1598), Crónica Mexicáyotl (1609) and Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala: Primer Nueva Corónica y Buen Gobierno (1615/1616). These Chronics are analyzed as cultural texts providing examples of the philosophical and historical construction that allows and produces a reflective and propositive way of the hermeneutics in Latin America. Therefore, this research seeks the execution of a cultural resistance’s perspective in colonial Latin America, as well as engages the sabotage as a theoretical concept to explain the projections of a philosophical reflection based on the historical experience of colonial Latin America.
Source : Abstract in journal