
Publication details [#24605]

Chen, Hung-Shu. 2012. 《愛的教育》前一章:從Cuore到《馨兒就學記》的轉譯史 [Predecessors of Ai de jiaoyu (Education of Love): the translation history from Cuore to Xin’er jiuxueji (Xin’s Journal about School Life)]. Studies in Translation History 2 : 243–274.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
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Target language
Pivot language


Xin’er jiuxueji was translated by Bao Tianxiao, was translated from the novel Cuore, or “Heart,” written by Edmondo de Amicis in 1886. Cuore’s subsequent and more well-known Chinese version is Ai de jiaoyu (Education of Love), translated by Xia Mianzun. Bao admitted that Xin’er jiuxueji (Xin's Journal about School Life) was translated from a Japanese translation, but no one has ever found out exactly which Japanese translation it was, and Bao has never made known the Japanese title in the foreword, afterword, or memoirs. According to the publication year, Kanda Kazumi conjectured that Gakudou nisshi (A School Boy’s Journal), translated by Sugitani Daisui, was the source text for Bao’s Chinese translation, but Kanda also indicated that it was a conjecture only. After the investigation of the publication information and comparison of the texts, the author verifies that Xin’er jiuxueji was translated from Gakudou nisshi. Furthermore, according to Sugitani’s background and his foreword, the author concludes that Sugitani’s Japanese version was not derived from the Italian original but from an English translation. Through analysis of several texts, the author proves that Cuore: An Italian Schoolboy’s Journal, Isabel Florence Hapgood’s translation from the 39th Italian edition, was the source text of Sugitani’s Japanese translation. Thus, the translation history of Cuore from Italy to China has finally been clarified and confirmed.
Source : Based on abstract in journal