Publication details [#24739]
Colina, Sonia. 2012. Assessment of translation. In Chapelle, Carol A. The encyclopedia of applied linguistics. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell.
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Article in jnl/bk
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The focus of this entry is the assessment of translated texts for summative purposes; that is, for the purpose of offering a summary recommendation, rather than to provide feedback for learners or as a diagnostic tool (level placement, entrance exams, professional practice, and so forth). Reference, however, will be made to related areas such as the assessment of translator competence, student translation assessment, and so on (for more on areas of evaluation, see Martínez Meliz & Hurtado Albir, 2001). A translated text, also known as the target text, is defined here as a text that fulfills or attempts to fulfill a certain function in a target culture (in accordance with a set of explicit or implicit instructions, known as the translation brief) and that bears a translation relationship to another text in another language, the source text (ST); the specifics of a translation relationship (versus version, adaptation, etc.) can vary from one culture to another. This discussion takes the position that a translated text comes about as the result of the interaction of social participants (minimally, the writer, the target language audience, and the translator) and a purpose (often, but not always, the same as that of the original). While in the educational literature assessment and evaluation often refer to different concepts, here they will be used interchangeably, given that the content and ideas presented apply to both notions.
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