Publication details [#24740]
Chiaro, Delia. 2012. Audiovisual translation. In Chapelle, Carol A. The encyclopedia of applied linguistics. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell.
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Article in jnl/bk
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Audiovisual translation (AVT) is the term used to refer to the transfer from one language to another of the verbal components contained in audiovisual works and products. Feature films, television programs, theatrical plays, musicals, opera, Web pages, and video games are just some examples of the vast array of audiovisual products available and that require translation. As the word suggests, audiovisuals are made to be both heard (audio) and seen (visual) simultaneously but they are primarily meant to be seen. We talk of “watching” a movie, a show, or even an opera; we “see” programs that are “shown” on television. However, while the verbal and visual codes in audiovisuals are linked to such an extent that the words naturally tend to rely heavily on the visuals, the translation of these products operates on a verbal level alone.
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