Publication details [#24759]
Kim, Han-Sik. 2001. Expressions and translation of newspaper headlines of Japan and Korea. Journal of Interpretation & Translation Research Institute 5 : 51–68.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Source language
Target language
In order to attract the attentions of readers, concise and implicative expressions are often used in newspaper headlines. This has led to the creation of unique expressions which are accepted and used in newspaper headlines and these expressions are more often found at the end of headline sentences. Translating such sentences is a challenging work to professional translators. This paper compares and analyses the different characteristics of headline expressions of Japanese and Korean newspapers, and presents a new strategy for headline translation from Korean to Japanese. Unlike general translation, headline translation requires translators to adopt a strategy in which they detach themselves from original texts and put the focus of translation on delivering the meaning concisely in target language(Japanese) reflecting the characteristics of expressions of Japanese headlines.
Source : Y. Yi