
Publication details [#24842]

Ahn, Mi-ra. 2009. Translation strategies for different target readers: studying the translations of Grimms’ fairy tales. Journal of Interpretation & Translation Research Institute 13 (1) : 107–125.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Person as a subject


Translation strategy is determined by skopos, that is, by the reader that determines the skopos. Even if the same text is translated, significant differences exist depending on whether the text is translated for children or adults, since children are not fully mature or are still in the process of developing emotionally and intellectually and do not have as much background knowledge as adults. This paper compares the two translated versions of the Grimms’ fairy tales (Brüder Grimm Kinder- und Hausmärchen), the adult version and the children's version, to identify these differences in translation strategies and to look at the characteristics of translations in children’s literature. First, the paper studies how culture-related vocabulary and proper nouns are translated by comparing the translations of the title, which encompasses a compressed meaning, and then compares and analyzes the use of notes and word plays in the text. Translation for children is different from translation for adults in its text and notes, such as the frequency of use of pure-Korean words, creative compound words, word play, onomatopoeic words, and mimetic words, as well as in the intervention by the translator in the title translation.
Source : Y. Yi