
Publication details [#24983]

Grbić, Nadja. 2012. Signed language interpreting: types, settings, and modes. In Chapelle, Carol A. The encyclopedia of applied linguistics. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
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Translators, interpreters, and scholars working in the field of translation and interpreting have developed particular classifications and classification systems in the course of time. First of all, we differentiate between translating and interpreting as more or less separate activities, and between translation and interpreting studies as different (sub)disciplines. We also distinguish between diverse translation and interpreting types, settings and modes, cutting up the translation–interpreting map into various different fields of practice. This entry will first offer a brief introduction to the general issues of categorization and will then focus on categorization in the field of signed language interpreting (SLI).
Source : Author(s)