Publication details [#24994]
Dunne, Keiran J. 2012. Translation tools. In Chapelle, Carol A. The encyclopedia of applied linguistics. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell.
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Article in jnl/bk
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In the wake of the digital revolution and the advent of the knowledge economy, the concept of “tool” has expanded beyond its traditional meaning of an implement for performing or facilitating mechanical operations to encompass specialized software applications that help users accomplish specific tasks on computers. In this way, translation-specific applications are typically referred to as “translation tools.” More than mere jargon, this usage underscores the commonalities between specialized software applications and their mechanical forebears: Both are operated by people; both are designed to facilitate specific tasks; and both are only as good as their operators. This entry offers an overview of translation tools, the problems they have been designed to solve, the ways in which they have evolved, and their limitations, with a focus on their primary components: terminology management and translation memory.
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