
Publication details [#2543]


The author defines pragmatics as the use of language in a goal-oriented speech situation, and quality as a degree of excellence, contextually determined and therefore not an absolute value. Kopczynski discusses how certain variables can affect interpretation, viz. 1) setting, form and content of the message; 2) norms of interaction and interpretation of a speech community; 3) participants, i.e. the speaker, receptors and the interpreter him/herself, and the variable relationships between them. The second part of the paper reports on a survey, conducted among Polish users of interpreting services, to find out their attitudes and expectations towards conference interpreting. The results display great uniformity among the opinions expressed. Preference is given to content over form as the main function of interpreting. Wrong terminology is the most important irritant. Opinions are divided as to the choice of formal categories. All prefer the ghost role of the interpreter, but favour some intruder operations.
Source : L. Jans