
Publication details [#25794]

Chevrel, Yves, Lieven D'hulst and Christine Lombez, eds. 2012. Histoire des traductions en langue française: XIXe siècle, 1815–1914 [History of translations in French: 19th century, 1815-1914]. Lagrasse: Verdier. 1408 pp.


This work represents one of a projected series of four volumes on the history of translations in the French language. The editors of the present volume drew on the expertise of 67 different contributors in 10 different countries; the volume itself references 1900 translators and covers approximately 50 languages. The book contains a foreword, an introduction, 15 chapters, a concluding chapter and two indices, one devoted to translators themselves, another to other figures involved in translation (authors, publishers, etc.).
Source : Based on S. O'Hara

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