Publication details [#25807]
Saldanha, Gabriela and Sharon O'Brien. 2013. Research methodologies in translation studies. Manchester: St. Jerome. 280 pp.
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As an interdisciplinary area of research, translation studies attracts students and scholars with a wide range of backgrounds, who then need to face the challenge of accounting for a complex object of enquiry that does not adapt itself well to traditional methods in other fields of investigation. This book addresses the needs of such scholars – whether they are students doing research at postgraduate level or more experienced researchers who want to familiarize themselves with methods outside their current field of expertise. The book promotes a discerning and critical approach to scholarly investigation by providing the reader not only with the know-how but also with insights into how new questions can be fruitfully explored through the coherent integration of different methods of research. Understanding core principles of reliability, validity and ethics is essential for any researcher no matter what methodology they adopt, and a whole chapter is therefore devoted to these issues.
Source : Publisher information
Reviewed by
Bartlomiejczyk, Magdalena. 2015. Review of Research methodologies in translation studies. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 9 (1) : 124–126.