Publication details [#2593]
Albrecht, Jörn. 1996. Die Geburt des Gegensinns der Urworte aus dem Geiste der Übersetzung [The birth of contradiction in primeval concepts from the spirit of translation]. In Lauer, Angelika, Heidrun Gerzymisch-Arbogast, Johann Haller and Erich Steiner, eds. Übersetzungswissenschaft im Umbruch: Festschrift für Wolfram Wills am 70. Geburtstag [Translation Studies on the turn: festschrift for Wolfram Wills on his 70th birthday]. Tübingen: Gunter Narr. pp. 1–8.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Albrecht offers a short contribution on the relation between linguistics and translation studies. He argues that words might only reveal themselves as ambiguous or even contradictory when translated into another language. To illustrate his point, he discusses the Latin concept sacer - which can mean both sacred and cursed - and explains the distinction between contrary and contradictory and usual and occasional meaning. He concludes with a warning against drawing rash parallels between the characteristics of a language and the mentality of its speakers.
Source : I. Van linthout