
Publication details [#26132]

Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


Drawing on a corpus of twelve original works by Bernardo Atxaga and their translations into seven target languages (Catalan, English, French, Galician, German, Italian and Spanish), this contribution discusses the forms in which translations are recognized in paratexts. When Basque literature is translated into other languages, different types of translation are used. On the one hand, when translating into Spanish, there are self-translations, team translations between the author and the translator and translations completed by a translator who is not the author. On the other hand, when translating into other languages, there are direct translations (from the translated Basque text into a foreign language) and indirect translations (from the translated Spanish text into a foreign language). This contribution will analyze whether all these types of translation are recognized in the paratexts of Atxaga’s translations and, if so, how they are recognized. A descriptive as well as a statistical analysis of peritextual material will be carried out and a descriptive analysis of epitextual elements will be conducted as a complement to the prior step. Evidence will be provided that different publishing houses and different language use different strategies to present the information about how translation was done and that sometimes those data are hidden as a result of market expectations.
Source : Abstract in book