Publication details [#26153]
Revuelta Guerrero, Clara. 2014. Objetos de estudio para una historia de la traducción: textos generados en la práctica de la misión en China y Filipinas. (ss. XVI-XIX) [Objects of study for a history of translation: texts generated in the practice of mission in China and the Philippine Islands (XVI-XIX)]. In Vega Cernuda, Miguel Angel, Martha Pulido and Pilar Martino Alba, eds. El escrito(r) misionero como tema de investigación humanística [The missionary writer (writing) as a topic for humanistic research]. Special issue of In-Traduções 6: 34–51. URL
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
The main aim of our work is to present the universe of translated texts in the missions in both China and Philippine Islands. This is motivated by the fact that these texts are part of the object of study for a History of translation. The Philippine Islands have been selected by its integration into "oversea lands", that were part of Spain. On the other hand, China, due to several reasons as: I) the interest of Europa for its culture, since the age of Marco Polo; II) the impulse the "Council of Trent" gave to missions; III) the presence of Chinese people in Philippine Islands, and IV) the proximity of both territories.
Source : Abstract in journal