Publication details [#2616]
Lauer, Angelika. 1996. Lautes Denken und Übersetzen: Fehlerlinguistik, die LD-Methode und die Analyse von Übersetzungsfehlern [Thinking aloud and translation: error linguistics, the TA-method and the analysis of translation errors]. In Lauer, Angelika, Heidrun Gerzymisch-Arbogast, Johann Haller and Erich Steiner, eds. Übersetzungswissenschaft im Umbruch: Festschrift für Wolfram Wills am 70. Geburtstag [Translation Studies on the turn: festschrift for Wolfram Wills on his 70th birthday]. Tübingen: Gunter Narr. pp. 239–250.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
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Source language
Target language
The author investigates translation errors combining quality assessment with an analysis of process data. The data comprises two translations from German into French (L2) which are assessed by four native speakers of French, one of whom is a translation student. The findings indicate that the translation student's information retrieval skills were better, which may stem from the subjects' different educational backgrounds.
Source : Based on R. Jääskelainen