
Publication details [#26165]

Srisongkram, Nadchaphon. 2014. Viajes realizados por los misioneros españoles al Siam de la era Ayutthaya, descritos por fray Marcelo de Ribadeneyra: problemas y estrategias de traducción [Travels made by Spanish missionaries to Siam during the Ayutthaya period described by Fray Marcelo de Ribadeneira: translation problems and translation strategies]. In Vega Cernuda, Miguel Angel, Martha Pulido and Pilar Martino Alba, eds. El escrito(r) misionero como tema de investigación humanística [The missionary writer (writing) as a topic for humanistic research]. Special issue of In-Traduções 6: 250–260. URL
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language


The most significant document written about Siam and the Ayuttaya era is Historia de las islas del archipiélago, y reinos de la gran China, Malaca, Siam, Camboya y Japón, publlshed in Barcelona in 1601 and written by fray Marcelo de Ribadeneyra. The history is composed of 6 books and describes the life, habits, believings and economy of various Asiatic countries, among them the Kingdom of Siam. The History is the account of the testimonies Ribadeneyra collected from Spanish missionaries that have exercised the apostolate in those countries, and that for one reason or another, ended up in Manila. At the end of the xxth century, it was translated from Spanish into English. Pacita Guevara Fernández made a comparative work with both texts. In this paper we are going to analyse its translation problems and strategies and we will propose preliminary solutions.
Source : Abstract in journal