
Publication details [#26340]

Durán Muñoz, Isabel. 2014. Propuesta de evaluación y selección de recursos terminológicos en línea para traductores [Evaluation proposal and a selection of online terminology resources for translators]. In Sánchez, María T., María Porciel and Iris Serrat, eds. Translation & lexicography. Special issue of Intralinea. Rivista di Traduttologia URL
Publication type
Article in Special issue
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No page numbers available.


Translators are constantly employing information resources during their translations. This fact makes necessary for translation students or initiates to acquire skills and knowledge about this and, thus, be capable of searching, selecting and assessing the most adequate information resources so as to reach the best results in their tasks. This study attempts to provide a complete and easy-to-use template for assessment to evaluate online terminological resources, which allow initiate translators to select the most reliable and adequate resources according to their needs. Apart from defining the template for assessment and its indicators, this work also exemplifies the application of this template on two different online terminological resources, and it depicts the main features of translation research competence.
Source : Abstract in journal