
Publication details [#26455]

Barranco-Droege, Rafael, Macarena Pradas Macias and Olalla García Becerra, eds. 2013. Quality in interpreting: widening the scope 2. Granada: Comares. 344 pp.
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language


Interpreting quality is conditioned by a myriad of factors, and going back to basics every now and then may help in asking the right questions. Moreover, the advancement of an applied science such as interpreting studies makes it indispensable to stop and check periodically whether the communication between research, training and professional practice is flowing properly. With this in mind, in the context of the Second International Conference on Interpreting Quality, held in 2011 in Almunecar, Spain, it was decided to open a forum to allow participants to share their ideas with a broader audience. The result is a collection of contributions developed from a variety of methodological perspectives, dealing with topics ranging from interpreter training to professional practice and including both spoken and signed languages. From the perspective of interpreter training, the papers address topics such as the implementation of interpreting theory, ethics, mindfulness and the importance of visual input for simultaneous interpreting. The contributions related to professional practice focus on aspects like anticipation in simultaneous interpreting, the transfer of specialized knowledge and the constraints imposed by the market, while the assessment of interpreting skills received special attention as a cross-sectional topic.
Source : Based on publisher information