Publication details [#2648]
Ruuskaanen, Deborah D. K. 1994. The translation of Finnish medical texts: who is the expert? In Snell-Hornby, Mary, Franz Pöchhacker and Klaus Kaindl, eds. Translation Studies: an interdiscipline (Benjamins Translation Library 2). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 291–300.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
This paper describes a study attempting to discover what differences existed in Finland between the expectation of clients and translators as to 1) what should be done to technical texts, and 2) what specialized qualifications translators and editors should have. The study involved thirty Finnish medical experts and twenty translators from Finnish to English of scientific or medical texts. Two slightly different questionnaires were mailed to the fifty respondents. The questions concerned the expectations of the medical experts regarding the expert knowledge they expected their translators or authors' editors to have; the extent to which translators themselves felt they needed special knowledge; the degree to which translators and editors can take liberties with the text; and editing specifically. The results of this study clearly indicate that major differences do indeed exist between the client and the translator/author’s editor with regard to who is responsible for the text.
Source : L. Jans