
Publication details [#26537]

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Article in jnl/bk
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The publishing industry is often considered to be one of the pillars on which democracy is based. The new profit-minded publishing logic is incompatible with what a democracy should expect from cultural powers – i.e., the diffusion of ideas. The question, however, is whether by treating the book as just another piece of merchandise, the nature of cultural goods is not altered in some way. As Casanova pointed out in #La République mondiale des lettres", bookshops are overflowing with the kitsch products of commercial globalization; these products can be regarded as a World Fiction. Their authors might be Italian, Indian, English, or American; and they circulate quickly and effortlessly worldwide thanks to translation. As Bourdieu indicates, this specific and cultural tradition of internationalism is radically incompatible with what is called globalization, because globalization aspires to universalize the peculiarities of the United States cultural tradition. Scholars can just hope that universities will at least wonder about the possible consequences of the redefinition of books, communication, languages, and, say, cultural markets.
Source : Based on abstract in book