
Publication details [#26539]

Pfau, Monique. 2014. SciELO – Globalizing Brazilian scientific productions through languages: cultural and historical understanding. In Lambert, José and Catalina Iliescu Gheorghiu, eds. #Universe-cities as problematic global villages: continuities and shifts in our academic worlds#. Tubarão: Copiart. pp. 217–235.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


This paper is a brief investigation of globalization, multilingualism and translation from the perspective of the Brazilian case. The objective is to raise awareness of the extent to which Brazilian scientific production in the humanities has been spread by means of the lingua franca through SciELO portal and regarding the possible political implications involved. The results indicate that scientific journals tend to export Brazilian elements and that there is a lack of translation norms in the portal.
Source : Abstract in book