
Publication details [#26791]

Pettit, Zoë. 2014. South African take on the gangster film genre: translating Tsotsi and Hijack Stories for an international audience. In Abend-David, Dror. Media and translation: an interdisciplinary approach. : 53–72.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language
Title as subject


This chapter follows on form an initial investigation of the South African film, Tsotsi (2005), which examined translation strategies in the subtitled English version of the film, in comparison with those employed in the French subtitled and dubbed version (Pettit 2011). The notion of code-switching and language variation is the main focus here. It builds on the previous study by including the DVDs released for American and South African audiences. In addition, the analyses is extended to the subtiteled and dubbed version of a second South African film Hijack Stories (2000).
Source : Based on information from author(s)