
Publication details [#26792]

Heiss, Christine. 2014. Multilingual Films and Integration? What role does Film Translation Play? In Abend-David, Dror. Media and translation: an interdisciplinary approach. : 3–24.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language


During the last five or six decades, the mobility of many population groups and classes has steadily grown in various industrial countries, creating in turn, manifold multi-ethnic and multilingual realities, ranging from parallel societies to ones that are well integrated. In immigration countries, various combinations of national languages and the language of ethnic minorities are the subject of different levels of acceptance and focus. A number of questions arise in this context: what linguistic space and what form are attributed to the „foreign“ culture? Does code-mixing or code-switching take place and, if so, to what degree? This chapter gives a brief overview of the spectrum of language use in German-language film and discusses the general issues and problems of dubbing multilingual films, as well as the effect of omitting comprehension aids in the original versions of various multilingual films.
Source : Based on information from author(s)