
Publication details [#26794]

Baños Piñero, Rocío. 2014. Insights into the false orality of dubbed fictional dialogue and the language of dubbing. In Abend-David, Dror. Media and translation: an interdisciplinary approach. : 75–95.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language


The purpose of this chapter is to discuss the false orality or prefabricated nature of fictional dialogue in general, and of dubbed dialogue in particular. The aim is to delve into the language of dubbing an object which has drawn the attention of several scholars carrying out research in Audiovisual Translation. Throughout the discussion, the need to adopt an interdisciplinary approach when analyzing and translating fictional dialogue will be emphasized. In addition to mastering the linguistic features available in their target language to mirror natural conversation, audiovisual translators should be familiar with scriptwriting principles, and with the specificities of non-translated dialogue.
Source : Based on information from author(s)