
Publication details [#26795]

Audissino, Emilio. 2014. Dubbing as a Formal Interference - Reflections and Examples. In Abend-David, Dror. Media and translation: an interdisciplinary approach. : 97–118.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language


Among film-translation methods, dubbing is the most potentially harmful. If executed with negligence and in haste, dubbing can result in severe damage to the film. Each film is a complex system of stylistic, thematic, and narrative elements in reciprocal interplay. While subtitles are an addition to the film, whose form remains intact - apart from those two lines superimposed over the image - dubbing implies the elimination of one part of the original film. The chapter discusses important aspects on dubbing and how dubbing can affect the original film's form through variety of examples of diverse natures.
Source : Based on information from author(s)