
Publication details [#26803]

Bucaria, Chiara. 2014. Trailers and promos and teasers, oh my! Adapting television paratexts across cultures. In Abend-David, Dror. Media and translation: an interdisciplinary approach. : 293–313.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language
Title as subject


This chapter proposes to look at how expansions are adapted when television series are imported into a different lingua-cultural system than the one in which those shows were originally created. By drawing on examples from officially distributed promotional content, this chapter considers which paratexts are privileged when US TV series are imported into the Italian market, and what strategies are chosen for their linguistic and cultural adaption. On a larger scale, this study tries to achieve a better understanding of the ways in which the strategies employed in the adaption of various expansions for Italian audiences help repackage and reframe the shows for the target culture, specifically in terms of genre and viewer expectations. This chapter deals with translation in the broader sense of cultural adaptation or transposition rather than with translation meant exclusively in the more traditional textual sense of source language to target language transfer.
Source : Based on information from author(s)