
Publication details [#26849]

Titik Murtisari, Elisabet. 2014. Response to Becher’s Two Papers on the Explicitation Hypothesis. Trans-Kom 7 (2) : 272–281. URL
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


Becher questions the validity of studies claiming to validate Blum-Kulka’s Explicitation Hypothesis, which postulates that the translation process might universally lead to an increased incohesive explicitness regardless of linguistic and textual differences between the source language and target language. Becher believes that those studies have some methodological problems and therefore cannot support Blum-Kulka’s proposition. He goes further in his other paper by calling for the abandonment of the theory. Even though Becher’s works probably are considered leading in the current research of explicitation and have highlighted the need for more attention to methodological issues in explicitation research, more careful reading of Blum-Kulka’s proposal shows that he has made some inaccurate observations of her concepts. Prior to further study on the nature of explicitation, the article argues that we need to deal with the very concept of explicitation itself, which is a more urgent issue in explicitation research.
Source : Based on abstract in journal