Publication details [#26915]
Sawant, Datta G. 2014. The Problem of Equivalence in the Translations of Arvind Adiga’s The White Tiger, Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code" and Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist# from English into Marathi. URL
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Journal WWW
The present dissertation is the outcome of research into the problem of equivalence in translation, particularly translating from English into Marathi. According to the hypothesis of the research, the barrier of detecting fitting equivalence is a basic issue in the process of translating the English texts—The White Tiger, The Da Vinci Code and The Alchemist—into Marathi. The three novels chosen for investigation contain different types of equivalence problems. The research addresses the problem of equivalence on various levels—linguistic, semantic, stylistic, social, cultural, symbolic and mythical—in translating these texts into
Marathi because there are great differences between English and Marathi on the level of structure, meaning, socio-cultural set up, and symbolic and mythical base. [Source: based on abstract in the journal]
Source : Based on abstract in journal