Publication details [#26945]
Lefevere, André. 1998. Acculturating Bertolt Brecht. In Bassnett, Susan and André Lefevere, eds. Constructing cultures: essays on literary translation (Topics in Translation 11). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language
Writers and their work are translated differently when they are considered ’classics’, when their work is recognised as ’cultural capital’, and when they are not. Writers become classics, and their work becomes cultural capital not only on their / its own merits, but also because they are rewritten. The present chapter deals with three different types of rewritings on Bertold Brecht’s Mutter Courage in English: translations, criticism, and entries in reference works. The author wishes to show that three rewritings can be seen to work together, supplementing and contradicting each other, in their efforts to either acculturate Brecht and try to canonise him in English or to prevent acculturation and to argue that there is no need to give him a niche in the English canon at all.
Source : Based on publisher information