
Publication details [#26949]

Anastassiadi, Marie-Christine and Maria Papadima. 2015. Textes traduits dans les manuels de littérature dans l’enseignement secondaire en Grèce [Translated texts in literary handbooks in Greek secondary schools]. In Skibińska, Elżbieta, Magda Heydel and Natalia Paprocka, eds. La voix du traducteur à l'école / The Translator's Voice at School 1 – Canons [The Translator's Voice at School 1 – Canons] (Vita traductiva). Montréal: Éditions québécoises de l’œuvre. URL
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language
Target language


The aim of this paper is to examine the presence of translated literary texts in Greek secondary school textbooks, published by the Organization for the Publication of Educational Books (ΟΕΔΒ), covering the period since its foundation in 1937 to the year 2012. More specifically it is highlighted the position that translated literature holds in these textbooks, its explicit or implicit relationship to Greek history, literature or literary movements, and the particular place of translated texts as texts that presuppose the existence of an original text and a translator. An important issue raised in this paper is whether the translator’s “voice” is audible and whether his/her strategies are made evident. The fact that since 1998 translated literature has become, under the title of European literature, a subject on its own in secondary school syllabuses, does not change its status as an optional and therefore marginal course. Therefore one must conclude that neither the function nor the role of translation or the translator is exploited to their full potential. [Source: publisher information]
Source : Publisher information