
Publication details [#26954]

Pantazara, Mavina. 2015. La littérature grecque classique et sa traduction en grec moderne en contexte scolaire [Classical Greek literature and its translation into Modern Greek in a school context]. In Skibińska, Elżbieta, Magda Heydel and Natalia Paprocka, eds. La voix du traducteur à l'école / The Translator's Voice at School 1 – Canons [The Translator's Voice at School 1 – Canons] (Vita traductiva). Montréal: Éditions québécoises de l’œuvre. URL
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language


Our research focuses on Ancient Greek literature, as it is currently taught in the three classes of high school in Greece, through its translation into Modern Greek. The relevant institutional texts (student’s book, teacher’s book and Greek national curriculum) are studied, in order to determine the identity and the orientation of these courses in Ancient Greek literature in translation as well as to pinpoint any available information related to the role of the translator and the function of translation.
Source : Publisher information