
Publication details [#27089]

Almeida e Pinho, Jorge. 2014. A Tradução para Edição: Viagem ao Mundo de Tradutores e Editores em Portugal (1974-2009) [Translation for publishing: journey to the world of translators and publishers in Portugal (1974-2009)]. Porto: Universidade do Porto Editorial. 306 pp. URL
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The journey that takes place throughout the pages of this work has as its starting point the book and Book Studies. The territory of Translation Studies is also covered, with perspectives on key international studies and the practice of translation, in different cultures and contexts. From a sociological and literary perspective, supported by collected data and the analysis of several works, the state of translation for publishing in Portugal is described. Attention is also paid to translators' intervention within publishing houses, training conditions and public recognition. It is a journey of knowledge about the interdependence and interconnection of translation with various sociocultural systems. An expedition in which the translator often remains an invisible explorer.
Source : Based on information from author(s)