
Publication details [#27319]

Chabasse, Catherine and Maren Dingfelder Stone. 2014. Capacity Management in Interpretation: Efforts, Directionality, and Language Pair Considerations. In Andres, Dörte and Martina Behr, eds. To Know How to Suggest … Approaches to Teaching Conference Interpreting. pp. 75–102.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language


This article looks at the learning process of conference interpreting as a problem of capacity availability and allocation, and consequently at the teaching of conference interpreting as a challenge to create first awareness of, and subsequently coping skills for, the difficulties involved in interpreting. It also proposes that such difficulties are contingent upon both language combination and directionality. To substantiate this premise, the first section briefly sets out Daniel Gile’s Effort Models as a theoretical basis. The chapter provides a range of teaching approaches and exercises that target specific interpreting competences in order to complement traditional interpreter training and thus enhance the efficiency of the learning process of interpreting.
Source : The chapter in book