
Publication details [#27470]

Albin, Joanna and Agnieszka Gajewska. 2014. Teaching Specialised Translation at Polish Universities. Intralinea. URL
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Edition info
Special Issue: Challenges in Translation Pedagogy No page numbers available.


The translation of specialised texts constitutes an integral part of the translation profession. This paper analyses the presence of Languages for Special Purposes and Specialised Translation Training in French, Spanish and Italian within the curricula of the largest universities of Poland. However, the term £specialised£ seems to be used intuitively and inconsistently across the data. Curricula were, therefore, analysed to detect the implicit conceptualisation of £specialisation@. Moreover, the content was classified within such categories as training in general translation, LSP, basic areas of knowledge and translation for different specialised fields. The conclusion is that the education available in Poland still contains certain deficiencies with regard to well thought-out and consistent planning in Translator Training, although several curricula contain valuable approaches, such as timing: initially LSP, then translation in the same field. Generally speaking, curricula content echoes market demands, with most institutions offering economic and legal translation as the main specialty.
Source : Abstract in journal