
Publication details [#27516]

Shamma, Tarek. 2014. Competition and collaboration in translation education: the motivational impact of translation Contest. In Cui, Ying (崔英) and Wei Zhao, eds. Handbook of Research on Teaching Methods in Language Translation and Interpretation. IGI Global. pp. 1–26.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language


This chapter discusses the results of a pilot study that explored the use of contests in translation pedagogy, proposing methods for designing classroom and extracurricular contests. Three translation contests (two in-class and one extracurricular) were conducted for undergraduate students at United Arab Emirates University. Student questionnaires were used to examine the potential role of contests in translator education and, in particular, the positive and negative effects of competition on students’ motivation. The use of group work was also examined as a method of minimizing the potential negative effects of competition, as described in the literature. The study indicates that contests can be useful in stimulating student motivation, especially on the basic levels of education. On the other hand, it is suggested that, while group work is seen as effective and desirable by most students, there are caveats to be considered when planning and implementing this type of activity.
Source : Publisher information