
Publication details [#2752]

Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


In Italy interpreting for Peace Support Operations (PSOs) is now provided by a professional figure (formally defined as a ‘translator/interpreter’). The activity involved is ultimately similar to that of in-house interpreters working at the Ministry of the interior. Claudia Monacelli’s paper reports on the first one-year interpreter training course –officially designated as a course for ‘cultural mediators’ – organized by the Italian army. The course takes into account the future role to be played by trainees who will be required to work not only in a military context, but also, indeed mainly, in the grey area of civilian operations, such as investigations, trials, humanitarian aid, infrastructure reconstruction and the repatriation of refugees. Such duties fall largely within the scope of the definition of PSI, requiring ethical expertise as well as linguistic and interpreting skills.
Source : Based on editors' introduction