
Publication details [#27842]

Darden, Vicki, Emily K. Ott, Erin Trine and Sarah Hewlett. 2015. Fostering Participation and Collaboration in Online Education: a self-study of two cohorts. In Ehrlich, Suzanne and Jemina Napier, eds. Interpreter Education in the Digital Age: innovation, access, and change (Interpreter Education Series 8). Washington D.C.: Gallaudet University Press. pp. 266–294.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language


This chapter describes the experiences of students in the 2011 and 2013 Master of Arts in Interpreting Studies at Western Oregon University with an online graduate program. By means of a survey of both cohorts, the authors try to better understand the ways in which technology fosters or hinders student participation and collaboration. The respondents of this study see technology as a mixed blessing: both a cause of frustration and a valued tool for collaborating, fostering participation, and interacting with each other.
Source : Based on information from author(s)