
Publication details [#27851]

Müller De Quadros, Ronice, Janine Soares de Oliveira, Aline Nunes de Sousa and Roberto Dutra Vargas. 2015. Translating the UFSC University Entrance Exam into Libras: challenges and solutions. In Nicodemus, Brenda and Keith Cagle, eds. Signed Language Interpretation and Translation Research (Studies in Interpretation 13). Washington D.C.: Gallaudet University Press. pp. 150–164.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language
Source language


This chapter describes the process of translating university exams, and in particular the translation of the UFSC entrance exams from Portuguese into Libras (Brazilian Sign Language). This is an extremely complex matter, involving translational issues that cannot be separated from Libras exam production. The research team describes the challenges they were faced with and suggests solutions for issues related to the translation and to the use of technology. Their project has opened up research opportunities in areas such as linguistics and translation studies but has also allowed for greater reflection on issues of accessibility and linguistic rights.
Source : Based on information from author(s)