
Publication details [#2787]

Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


Using as a framework for analysis the categories of Genre, Discourse, and Text proposed by Hatim and Mason (1990), this paper seeks to show how ideology impinges on the translation process in subtle ways. Consciously or subconsciously, text users bring their own assumptions, predispositions, and general world-view to bear on their processing of text at all levels. Individual lexical choices, cohesive relations, syntactic organisations and theme/rheme progression, text structure and text type are all involved. The translator, as both receiver and producer of text, has the double duty of perceiving the meaning potential of particular choices within the cultural and linguistic community of the source text and relaying that same potential, by suitable linguistic means, to a target readership. This process and the ways it may be affected by systematic ideological shifts, are illustrated by reference to a source and target text produced to propagate the ideals of a large international organisation.
Source : Abstract in book