
Publication details [#27941]

Publication type
Chapter in book
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The image of Spain in Flanders is traditionally considered in terms of the shared history in the context of the “composite state” under the Habsburg monarchs in the 16th and 17th centuries. Research into the building of an image of a more modern Spain is only just beginning. This chapter examines which image of modern Spain was constructed through translation in Catholic Flanders during the first half of the twentieth century, by taking the work of the Flemish nationalist novelist and translator Jozef Simons as an exemplary case. The chapter also presents the Spanish authors whose work Simons translated: Pedro Antonio de Alarcón and Luis Coloma S.J., two defenders of social conservative, nationalistic values. The stereotypes in their work were carried over in Simons’ translations and run parallel to his own ideal of a traditionalist Flanders. The image of Spain thus created can be considered influential, since these translations were reprinted until after World War II.
Source : Based on publisher information