Publication details [#28030]
Ketola, Anne. 2016. An Illustrated Technical Text in Translation: choice network analysis as a tool for depicting word-image interaction. In Kaunzner, Ulrike A. and Antonella Nardi, eds. Verstehen durch Hören und Lesen - Teil I: Interlinguale Untertitelung in Theorie und Praxis [Understanding by Listening and Reading - Part I: Interlingual Subtitling in Theory and Practice]. Special issue of Trans-Kom. Journal of Translation and Technical Communication Research 9 (1): 79–97. URL
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
The present study inquires into word-image interaction in the translation process of illustrated technical texts. The method employed for this purpose is Choice Network Analysis, which compares the translations of the same source text by multiple translators in order to empirically derive the options, the set of possible solutions, that are available when translating each verbal item. The data of the study consists of eight translations of an illustrated technical text, produced by a group of Master’s level translations students. The study sets out to assess if the options offered by the multimodal source text are based entirely on verbal information or on a negotiation of meaning from two different modes. The analysis implies that visual information could modify verbal information; in the most extreme cases, visual information could cause verbal information being disregarded altogether. This indicates that images can reattribute the meaning of verbal items in translation.
Source : Abstract in journal