Publication details [#28031]
Solfjeld, Kåre. 2016. Indirekte Rede oder Autorentext? Ein Übersetzungsproblem Deutsch-Norwegisch [Reportive Speech or Author Text? A Translation Problem German-Norwegian]. In Kaunzner, Ulrike A. and Antonella Nardi, eds. Verstehen durch Hören und Lesen - Teil I: Interlinguale Untertitelung in Theorie und Praxis [Understanding by Listening and Reading - Part I: Interlingual Subtitling in Theory and Practice]. Special issue of Trans-Kom. Journal of Translation and Technical Communication Research 9 (1): 98–113. URL
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
In German indirect reportive speech can be marked by means of subjunctive forms. This means that in syntactically independent sentences it can be conveyed unambiguously that what is said has another source than the author. Norwegian lacks this structural possibility. The present study, based on published translations from German into Norwegian and vice versa, looks into what effect – if any – this structural contrast has on translations between the two languages.
Source : Abstract in journal